Michelle Obama used in vitro fertilisation (IVF) to conceive her two daughters after suffering a miscarriage.
Ahead of the release of her new memoir Becoming, the former U.S. First Lady has participated in an interview with Good Morning America's Robin Roberts, with a preview of the candid chat airing in the U.S. on Friday morning (09Nov18).
During the interview, Michelle made the admission that she had a miscarriage 20 years ago and felt "lost and alone" at the time.
"I felt like I failed because I didn't know how common miscarriages were because we don't talk about them," she said. "We sit in our own pain, thinking that somehow we're broken... That's one of the reasons why I think it's important to talk to young mothers about the fact that miscarriages happen."
Michelle, who worked as a lawyer and university administrator before her husband Barack Obama became America's President in 2009, added that she realised at the age of 34 that "the biological clock is real" and "egg production is limited". Accordingly, she underwent IVF to conceive Malia, 20, and Sasha, 17.
"I realised that as I was 34 and 35... We had to do IVF," the 54-year-old commented, adding that she hopes that her story will help other women undergoing fertility treatments. "I think it's the worst thing that we do to each other as women, not share the truth about our bodies and how they work."
In her wide-ranging book, Michelle opens up about her childhood in the South Side of Chicago, motherhood, becoming the first African-American woman to serve as First Lady and the demands of living at the White House. She also shares how she met Barack at a law firm, the early days of their romance, as well as how they have sought marriage counselling at times.
"Marriage counselling for us was one of those ways where we learned how to talk out our differences," she told Roberts. "I know too many young couples who struggle and think that somehow there's something wrong with them. And I want them to know that Michelle and Barack Obama, who have a phenomenal marriage and who love each other, we work on our marriage. And we get help with our marriage when we need it."
Becoming Michelle: A First Lady's Journey with Robin Roberts will air as part of an ABC News special on Sunday, ahead of Michelle's book release on Tuesday.