The ‘Miral’ actress had dreamed of growing up to be a performer for a young age and used to practise routines – including those of the late King of Pop - in front of her mirror.

She admitted: “I have dreamt since I was the age of five that I wanted to become an actress. I didn’t know that I would do it professionally. But I knew that this was my area of interest.

“I would stand in front of the mirror and for the longest time I really thought that I was a great Michael Jackson impersonator.”

As well as dreaming of a career in the spotlight, Freida spent much of her childhood travelling the world and was grateful for the opportunities she had.

She told Total Film magazine: “Both my grandfather and my uncle were in the army – which meant we travelled a lot.

“As an army man, you keep getting posted in different places, so we’d use that as an opportunity to visit them and see new places.”