Bella Hadid has opened up about the pain she has been suffering as a result of an infected tooth.

Over the weekend, the model took to TikTok to share that she was recently diagnosed with a "low-grade infection" in her jaw next to where she underwent a root canal a year ago.

As a result, Bella explained that she has experienced a flare-up of her Lyme disease symptoms.

"Basically, the nerve pain from my jaw ended up going down my entire meridian of my body, and to the touch, everywhere all the way down my body through all my lymph nodes," she commented. "This pain, man. Something real different. Real different."

Bella also posted a montage of images showing her with a swollen face.

"You can only wonder why my face changes the way it doesn't (sic) and this is why. End of story," the 26-year-old wrote. "That's why I hate looking in the mirror or taking pictures especially lately, truly wanting to throw up at the sight of myself constantly. Years and years of this. If I'm all dolled up maybe I'll try for the girls, but man is it hard to do this as your profession while also feeling/looking sick like this."

Elsewhere in the post, Bella indicated that she is set to get a tooth extracted this week.

"I tried my best so I could try to update you guys before the extraction," she added. "Thank you for watching this and knowing a little more about me that is a huge part of my everyday life. It means more to me than you even know and I feel closer to you guys now. Love you all a lot a lot a lot. My angels."

Bella was diagnosed with Lyme disease, which is transmitted to humans by the bites of infected ticks, in 2012.