Tom Hiddleston says the upcoming superhero film The Avengers is “an all-time first”.
The British actor is reprising his role as villain Loki in the movie about a group of heroes based on the Marvel comic book characters including Iron Man and Thor.
He is thrilled with the concept of bringing together the different superheroes.
“It’s a first, an all-time first to have a superhero film that’s not about one superhero that everybody loves but about eight,” he told BBC Newsbeat.
“It’s definitely new because it’s a team of not one lonely hero, it’s a team of them. And it’s not an easy team, there’s a bunch of pretty alpha personalities in there. You know, too many cooks possibly, but hopefully I’m evil enough for them to overcome their differences and save the world.”
Tom, who last played Loki in Thor, also promoted the film as “absolutely monumental”.
He believes all the hard work of the cast and crew has paid off.
“It’s an incredible film. You have expectations once you shoot a film you think, ‘God everyone has pulled their weight, everyone has worked incredibly hard, it seemed like a really good experience, let’s just hope somehow in post-production it all comes together,’ and it has.”
The Avengers also stars Scarlett Johansson, Robert Downey Jr. and Gwyneth Paltrow and is set to hit theatres from April.
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