Armie Hammer has admitted using a knife on ex-girlfriend Paige Lorenze.

However, the disgraced actor defended himself against her claims that he "branded" her with a knife.

"I wouldn't say brand, no," he said in an interview with Piers Morgan. "There was a scenario that we talked about beforehand, that we had discussed where, you know, I would basically take a little, tiny point and just kind of trace the letter 'A' - just like the tip of a small knife."

He added, "I mean, there wasn't even blood in the situation. It was more like a scrape... It's along the lines of couples getting their own initials tattooed on each other."

Lorenze had previously told Page Six that the 37-year-old star had allegedly used a knife to "carve" his initial into her.
"I kind of sat back and let it happen," she said. "I didn't really know what to do or say. As sad as that is, I wanted him to like me and feel like I was down for what he wanted."

Hammer said, "Yes, I think to some it probably sounds really strange. To some, it probably sounds like a very romantic gesture."

In 2021, the Lone Ranger star was accused of "violently" raping ex-girlfriend Effie Angelova, and abusing her "mentally, emotionally and sexually." Several other women also came forward to claim Hammer was into cannibalistic fantasies and BDSM.

Of his relationship with Angelova, which lasted for two years while he was married to former wife Elizabeth Chambers, Hammer told Morgan, "This was a very intense affair, very sexually charged, between two people with very similar proclivities and kinks. Any of those conversations that we (he and Angelova) had inside of that relationship, when you take them outside of that context and put them into broad daylight, it doesn't look so good."

He continued, "You know, different people have different sexual fantasies. And there's a very broad spectrum of sexuality, and people are allowed to engage with their own sexuality however it fits them and what they do."