Tom Cruise is paying daughter Suri's college tuition fees.

However, the Mission Impossible star hasn't seen his 18-year-old daughter for 11 years.

Suri moved into the dorms of Carnegie Mellon University in Pennsylvania last weekend. She's believed to be living in an all-female dorm,

Scobell House which houses 88 students, and she will share a room with one other student. It's believed she is studying acting and dance.

When Tom and Suri's mum Katie Holmes divorced in 2012, paperwork showed that he would cover the costs of all her educational expenses, including "medical, dental, insurance, education, college and other extracurricular costs."

Now a friend of the actor has confirmed he is doing exactly that.

"Tom is indeed paying for Suri's tuition," he confirmed to "He has always paid for her schooling and would never stop as he is a stand-up guy. He has never hesitated paying his daughter's child support and expenses. He does not go back on his word. He is fulfilling his obligation."

The annual tuition fee at CMU is $65,000 (£49,000).

It's believed Tom and Suri haven't seen each other since 2013. At her high school graduation ceremony, Suri was referred to as Suri Noelle, instead of Suri Cruise. Noelle is Katie Holmes' middle name.