Ice Cube defended himself on social media on Wednesday after it was revealed he had teamed up with Donald Trump's campaign on his Platinum Plan for Black Americans.
The backlash began when Katrina Pierson, an adviser on the Trump 2020 campaign, tweeted: "Shoutout to @icecube for his willingness to step up and work with @realDonaldTrump Administration to help develop the #PlatinumPlan…Leaders gonna lead, haters gonna hate. Thank you for leading!”
Political commentator Bakari Sellers then posted that Ice Cube "fell for something shiny" with the Trump campaign, tweeting: "Biden has a black agenda & a racial equity agenda. He has a black female VP who will help oversee COVID recovery for a virus which from a health & economic POV devastated black communities. He will appoint a black woman to the SCOTUS (Supreme Court of the United States) & @icecube fell for something shiny."
Hitting back amid the backlash, Ice Cube insisted he had spoken to both Trump and Joe Biden's teams about his proposed Contract With Black America, which he said "strikes at the heart of racism and presents a blueprint to achieve racial economic justice".
He tweeted: "Facts: I put out the (Contract with Black America). Both parties contacted me. Dems (Democrats) said we’ll address the CWBA after the election. Trump campaign made some adjustments to their plan after talking to us about the CWBA."
He added that after hearing both sides, he eventually decided to go with Trump, as he felt it would be best for the Black community as a whole. Trump's proposed Platinum Plan aims to create three million new jobs in the Black community over the next four years and increase access to capital by almost $500 billion.
When one person accused Ice Cube of joining the "darkside", the rapper responded: "Every side is the Darkside for us here in America. They’re all the same until something changes for us. They all lie and they all cheat but we can’t afford not to negotiate with whoever is in power or our condition in this country will never change. Our justice is bipartisan."