Stellan Skarsgard admits that it was a nightmare wearing a fat suit in 'Dune'.

The 70-year-old star features in Denis Villeneuve's sci-fi epic as Baron Vladimir Harkonnen and confessed that he didn't enjoy "dragging around 40 kilos of extra flesh".

Asked about his hopes for the 'Dune' sequel, Stellan told Total Film magazine: "The role was a challenge to create a character that was so physically present, and so physically dominating the screen – that was a creative pleasure.

"Sitting in make-up for eight hours and dragging around 40 kilos of extra flesh is not fun. Or the pipe in your butt, which was where cooling water was going in so that you wouldn't get a stroke.

"But I want to revisit the Baron, even if it's a very uncomfortable journey."

The Swedish actor worked with Steven Spielberg on the 1997 movie 'Amistad' and relished the freedom that the legendary director granted him during the flick.

Stellan recalled: "I really panicked. I felt so bad shooting that film, because it was a machine that was moving on, faster than I could. And everything was pre-decided.

"Spielberg had the entire film in his head. And he said to me, 'All I ask of you is that you know your lines.' And that to me... I like to be free."

The 'Good Will Hunting' star continued: "I would love to work with Steven Spielberg again. I know now what it would be like, and what he wants. It's just like cooking a different dish, really."

Stellan explained that he is reliant on what happens with other cast members on set rather than his own planning during a project.

He said: "I do rely more on what actually happens on the set with the other actors than my own preparation. I totally believe that the irrationalities that happen between people, they transcend anything you could plan."