Simon Pegg decided to shut his Twitter account down and walk away from the social media site when it began to feel like a "war zone" to him.

The English actor is still an avid Instagram user, but he became wary of the nastiness that can exist on the micro-blogging site - some of which is created on troll farms in adversarial countries by people pretending to be someone else in order to start arguments.

"I did leave Twitter, actually. I like Instagram, that seems like quite a nice place. But Twitter just felt like a war zone," he said on breakfast show Good Morning Britain.

The 52-year-old can currently be seen in the British mini-series The Undeclared War, where he plays Danny Patrick, part of a fictional Government Communications Headquarters team who is secretly working to ward off a foreign cyber-attack on the country's electoral system.

The show "blew his mind" to what really goes on when it comes to the online world.

"I did it a while back (left Twitter)," he continued. "The discourse had started to degrade slightly.

"I hadn't had any problems on there, there wasn't like I was getting any trolling specifically. I just felt like, 'I want to leave this party.’ You know when you get to the point in a party when everyone's a little bit too drunk and some arguments have started and you think, 'I'm going to go home now.’ That's what I did."

In an example of life imitating art, The Undeclared War writer Peter Kosminsky imagined a time when Boris Johnson was ousted as Prime Minister - which came true on Thursday as the British leader officially announced his decision to step down.

Asked for his take, Simon ventured: "A slight dread in the way, just because knowing how intelligent Peter is, I'm just wondering how much more of it's going to come true. He's so insightful when it comes to politics and British society.

"I think this is a story that needs to be told - I think people should know more about the dangers of cyber security and what is happening to us online and who you're talking to when you're having a debate. You might be talking to someone in a Russian troll farm."