Will Poulter would “jump at the opportunity” to make another musical.

The 29-year-old actor had a great time working on heist film ‘The Score’ and its soundtrack with co-stars Naomi Ackie and Johnny Flynn and he’d love the chance to sing on camera again in the future.

He said: “’The Score’ is the closest thing I have to a mixtape because I’m involved in several tracks.

"Recording those songs with Naomi and Johnny was one of the most fun periods of my life.

“It was a lovely introduction to the world of musicals, I would jump at the opportunity [to do more].”

And while Will is usually a reluctant dancer, he felt “totally at ease” showing off his moves with Naomi in the film.

He told Total Film magazine: “I try to avoid dancing at all costs.

“I need to have had several tequilas to even attempt dancing.

“If I can hide behind a character I’ll dance.

“I felt totally at ease dancing with Naomi in ‘The Score’.

The musical also forced the British star to face one of his fears for a particular scene.

He said: “I’m not the most confident driver. It took me a few takes on ‘The Score’ just doing one high-speed reverse.”

Will hailed the film’s director Malachi Smyth for the way he coordinated fight scenes to music in the film.

He explained: “There’s a sequence in ‘The Score’ that’s one of the most fun fights I’ve ever done.

“The way our director Malachi times it all to music is kind of genius.

“It was a real laugh, even rehearsing it I got the giggles.

“I’ve always loved learning those skills – but I think it was Mike Tyson who said, ‘Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face.’ “