Justin Hartley finds his teenage daughter Isabella really difficult to buy presents for.

The This Is Us actor shops for holiday gifts throughout the year so he doesn't have to rush in November and December, but he is often stuck for what to get the 18-year-old.

"I developed a really good habit over the past couple of years where I shop throughout the year. It just makes things so much easier," he told People magazine. "My daughter is tough to buy for because I don't want to get her the wrong thing. What do you get a teenager?"

The 45-year-old, who shares Isabella with his ex-wife Lindsay, also works in advance when it comes to decorating his place for the festive season. However, he feels no rush when it comes to taking them down again.

"(We) put the trees up and everything before Thanksgiving," he shared. "And then my whole thing is if you come over to my house in July, there might be a Christmas tree up. I don't mind putting them up, but taking them down is a nightmare. It's sad. And it's such a pain. So I just keep it lit up through January and then into the summer."

Justin's home is filled with Christmas ornaments from his mum, who buys him and his siblings one every year.

"Every year for Christmas gets us a Christmas ornament from that year. She writes a handwritten letter with each one explaining why she got that particular one. It's really sweet," he gushed.