Reese Witherspoon once explained the plot of How Do You Know to fellow plane passengers after the in-flight entertainment cut out.

During an appearance on Late Night with Seth Meyers on Tuesday, the Legally Blonde star recalled a potentially awkward situation in which she walked onto a plane and the only movie playing was her 2010 romantic comedy.

"It was like a five-hour flight and I walk in and they're like, 'And the movie today is gonna be How Do You Know starring Reese Witherspoon.' I was like, 'Oh my God. I have nowhere to hide. This is so embarrassing,'" she remembered. "Probably, maybe 10 minutes into the in-flight movie, it cut out, and the clip broke. Everyone started looking at me. So, I went to the front of the plane and I got on the microphone... I was like, 'Hi, guys. I don't think the movie's coming back, so I'm just gonna walk you, beat by beat, (through) what happened.'"

Reese went on to recount how she described the plot of the movie - in which she played a woman who becomes caught in a love triangle - to everyone.

"Guys, I don't know what's gonna happen! Am I gonna go with Owen Wilson? Am I gonna go with Paul Rudd? What's gonna happen?" the 46-year-old remembered asking. "And (the passengers) were like, 'Yes!' It was really fun.'"

And once Reese started talking, she no longer felt embarrassed.

"It was actually so fun and funny to get to tell people the entire plot of my movie in like three minutes," she smiled.

Reese is currently promoting a new rom-com titled Your Place or Mine. The flick is set to drop via Netflix on Friday.