This broad period comedy from 1948 was written and directed by a 26-year old Peter Ustinov and is based on F. Anstey’s novel of the same name (published as long ago as 1882). It still holds up remarkably well and gives us two bravura performances from an exceedingly young Anthony Newley and good old Powell/ Pressburger favourite - gruff voiced Roger Livesey.

The story’s premise seems a relatively simple one (but not exactly simple to enact), namely that of a schoolboy who becomes his own father… and vice versa. A 'novel' idea indeed! To call this film quirky and bonkers (including the opening titles) is somewhat of an understatement to say the least and it is precisely what makes the film such fun to watch - there are in truth no dull moments. Indeed, this Two Cities Production could give some of the great Ealing comedies a run for their money.

After the wedding of his son Dick, old Paul Bultitude (Roger Livesey) - a former well-to-do stockbroker, addresses the camera and invites us into his parlour where he proceeds to tell us how things came to pass via a flashback sequence. The deceased mother of his just married son had a cad of a brother by the name of Marmaduke Paradine (David Hutcheson)… who was up to no good in India (like countless other white chappies at the time of the Raj). There, the dastardly bounder had the brazen cheek to steal one of the eyes of a monstrous native effigy though apparently (upon closer scrutiny) he observed the ‘eye’ was actually made in Sheffield. We have a number of topical and subtle jokes spread throughout (which is what we can expect from Mr. Ustinov), most of which hit the mark only too succinctly. One can't help wondering if J. Milton-Hayes got the idea for his monologue 'The Green Eye of the Little Yellow God' from this novel.

Upon his return to Old Blighty, Paradine insists that his brother-in-law Paul accepts the eye as a gift, though Paradine has his own reasons for this: rumour has it that the ‘eye – called 'The Geruda Stone' - grants its owner one wish and is said to bring ill luck. Later we see young Dick Bultitude (Anthony Newley) complaining to his pompous father Paul that he has no desire to return to Dr. Grimstone's boarding school (despite his wooing of Grimstone's daughter Dulcie - played by a young Petula Clark). His honesty results in his father scolding him for being impertinent and useless. Frustrated by his father’s response and playfully holding up the Indian eye (without knowing what it actually is) the quarrelling continues until Paul – his patience running short - exclaims that he wishes he were in his son’s shoes and could be a young boy once more! Hey presto, the miraculous transformation takes places as Dick becomes Paul and vice versa. The consequences which are about to follow really are quite hilarious. Just who has the harder task (Newley or Livesey) is difficult to decide, as 16-year old Newley (playing a 14-year old pupil) is suddenly required to slip into the part of a mature adult. As for Livesey, playing young teenager Dick the challenge also must have been quite something.

Dick addresses Headmaster Grimstone (James Robertson Justice) as an equal and is rather contemptuous of his fellow pupils. This gets him into no end of trouble. Meanwhile back at the family home, young Dick - trapped in his father's body - has a whale of a time. This includes a whopping great misunderstanding with his father's mistress - the conniving Fanny Verlaine (Kay Walsh) who is up to no good anyway and is in cahoots with that swine Marmaduke Paradine we referred to earlier. She has another suitor in the wafer-thin and over-zealous Lord Gosport (Bill Shine) which culminates in a duel in an ice-laden Hyde Park, once again with hilarious consequences, the upshot being a big court case and a fine of seven shilling and six pence - a little dig here at the absurdities of British law. You can have a bit of fun (if you are either of a certain age or a connoisseur of vintage movies) spotting the long list of British character actors on board, including Ustinov's sometime comedy partner Peter Jones – here 27 and thus looking far too old to play a schoolboy. The likeable Roger Livesey is always good to watch and Anthony Newley (best known as the Artful Dodger in ‘Oliver Twist’ and for ‘The Strange World of Gurney Slade’) is more than a match for Livesey, despite having had very little training before this role. Great fun and an ideal pick-me-up in these depressing times!

VICE VERSA is presented fully restored on HD Blu-ray with the following Special Features: Image Gallery, ‘The Strange World of Gurney Slade’ Episode 1 (starring Anthony Newley, ‘Saturday Spectacular: an Anthony Newley Variety Show from 1960, plus Limited Edition booklet.